Finished off the Malign Sorcery spell models for Age of Sigmar. The Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh, Burning Head, Malevolent Maelstrom, Emerald Lifeswarm, and Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws.
Bob's Tabletop Gaming
I finished up 3 more Conquest Games plastic mounted Normans and 3 Gripping Beast (I think) metal infantry. Pretty much have all the Normans painted now. I’ll do a army on parade photo shoot soon.
Finished up six Knights plastic Conquest Games minis.
Well, Bill J and I are going to do some reconquista gaming. I’m going to be using the Normans I have and painting up some more for my Christian forces. Bill is going to work on moors.
More to come.
I’ve decided to track my painting progress by tracking miniatures painted vs miniatures purchased. Check out the Painting Progress page.
So, I closed bofthebb down and now I’ll do everything here. Plan to mostly just ruminate on gaming and track my painting progress.